Public Panel Event

Utopias At Sea:
Flows | Traces | Folds

Sunday July 15 | 6.30pm-10pm

Old Mosque, Molivos | Lesvos, Greece


A creative, informative, entertaining, and thought-provoking event accessible- in format, theme, and language- to everyone who chooses to attend.


The public event will include three 1-hour long roundtables on flows, traces, and folds, respectively.  They will feature 12 speakers, a mix of international guests and Lesvos-based artists & academics. 

The roundtables will include 10-minute-long individual presentations, followed by moderated discussion and Q&A from the audience.


6:30 P.M.  - Introduction

6:40 P.M. - Roundtable 1 | Flows

7:50 P.M. - Roundtable 2 | Traces

9:00 P.M. - Roundtable 3 | Folds

10:00 P.M. - DJ Set

Roundtable 1 | Flows


  • Bridget Anderson | Bristol University
  • Elisa Kim | Smith College
  • Radhika Subramaniam | New School, New York


Roundtable 2 | Traces


  • Alexandros Kyriakatos | Artist, Lausanne
  • Lorenzo Pezzani | Goldsmiths
  • Charles Heller | Geneva University
  • Abir Saksouk Sasso | Architect, Dictaphone Beirut
  • Konstantinos Topouzelis |  Marine Sciences, University of the Aegean


Roundtable 3 | Folds


  • Michael Dodson-Sifnaios | Architect & Artist, Lesvos
  • Grey Filastine | Artist & Musician, Barcelona
  • Sarah Green | Anthropology, Helsinki University (TBC)
  • Miriam Ticktin | Anthropology, New School in New York

DJ Set by Filastine (@FilastineArt) following event!

Download the Sunday Public Event poster