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University of the Aegean Summer Schools : "Cultures, Migrations, Borders"

University of the Aegean| Lesvos, Greece
July 3-12, 2018

Description:  For the seventh year the Department of Social Anthropology and History of the University of the Aegean and the Institute of Migration and Ethnic Studies of the University of Amsterdam welcome applications for the Postgraduate International Summer School ‘CULTURES, MIGRATIONS, BORDERS’ that will take place on the border island of LESVOS, GREECE, from 3 to 12 JULY.   The broader socioeconomic and political transformations in Africa and Asia have recently resulted in increased migration flows to Greece and, more generally, to Europe. Being at the crossroads of populations and cultures the islands of Eastern Aegean have served as one of the entry “gates” to Europe. In this context, and especially in connection to the current crisis, border crossings have become the focus of intense debates as they are intertwined with issues of culture and identity formation, the European Union and state policy, and constructions of 'otherness'. By drawing on an increasing interest in the study of cultures, migrations and borders, our Summer School examines how migrations shape and are shaped by processes of boundary formation in a variety of cultural encounters.

Registration Form [Deadline May 15, 2018]
Scholarship Applications [Deadline April 30, 2018]
For More Information

Call for Papers: “Below the Surface: A New Wave of Interdisciplinary Mediterranean Studies and Environmental Changes”

Sciences Po | Paris, France
October 18-20, 2018



“Below the Surface: A New Wave of Interdisciplinary Mediterranean Studies and Environmental Changes” is an international research initiative aiming at creating an interdisciplinary dialogue on the environmental history of the Modern Mediterranean with a focus on its coastal and marine ecosystems. This first workshop wants to explore future research directions and new collaborative efforts across Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. We invite therefore contributions that explore historical, socio-technical, and socio-ecological interactions in the Mediterranean coasts and sea in the urban-industrial era (19th-21st Century). 

Call for papers: "Port Cities & Maritime Routes in Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea [18th-21st century]

Harokopio University | Athens, Greece
22-24 November, 2018


The conference examines maritime practices in three geographic regions between the specified time frame: Europe, the Balkans and the “Greek area”.  A number of socio-economic features during the research period, like maritime journeys, routes, ships (technical characteristics) are also areas of interest.   Other conference thematic fields could include smuggling, cartography, approaching possibilities of the island ports, “parallel” and “transversal” commerce in islands, the relationship with the inland network, ideological and semiotic approaches regarding port cities and maritime routes, ekistics and cultural heritage in those commercial centers, as well as development potentials and land uses of port cities and maritime routes of Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea (18th – 21st century). The deadline to submit abstracts is April 30, 2018.

For more information

Call for Papers : AAS2018: Life in an age of death

James Cook University | Cairns, Australia
4-7 December, 2018

Sea theory, atmospheres, and liminality of lives

This panel will explore the development of the "ocean turn" and the rise of "critical ocean studies" and "sea theory" in the study of the liminality of lives and atmospheres regulating life and death of maritime spaces.


The Anthropocene is the scientific label given by earth scientists to the current epoch of unprecedented anthropogenic planetary change. The Anthropocene is also a political label designed to call attention to this change and evolving notions of agency and responsibility in contemporary life. The sea is history (Derek Walcott). This panel would like to explore the development of "critical ocean studies" and "sea theory" in the study of liminal lives focused on maritime spaces. In cultural theory, topology has been used to articulate changes in structures and spaces of power. It offers a model for mapping the dynamics of time as well as space, allowing the rigorous description of events, situations, changing cultural formations and social spatializations. Topologies also denote the flux of collective memory in its multiple and mutable incarnations across time where paradoxes of polytemporality, as folded assemblage of linearly distant and sometimes contradictory moments, help make sense of a period of social change. A topology of power allows us to interrogate the practices of ruination. We propose to take Peter Sloterdijk's spherological theory as a starting point, and more particularly his notion of "foam" as an atmopshere regulating life and death. The sea is an archive of migrations, circulations, relations more-than-human... By examining multispecies collaborations, practices and memories of human beings in, beside, with, liquid spaces, we suggest a socio-topological approach to these issues.

Please submit an abstract of up to 300 words by July 16, 2018.

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